Wednesday, March 19, 2014


LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT! is a musical comedy I have written, as you more than likely know, because when I was writing it a few years ago, I talked about very little else. On March 31, through the month of April, we are launching a Kickstarter campaign to get this puppy funded for a musical arranger (the fabulous Linda Dowdell) and to offset some production costs.

Check it out at, under the title “LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT!” in the theatre section.

We need just a little bit of green stuff to get this show off and running and lathering, and we could really use your help. In fact, after you see the video and while you're still chuckling, perhaps you could send a quick email to EVERYONE ON EARTH YOU KNOW and ask them to check out the video on Kickstarter, too.  And, then - why not? - ask THEM to send it out to their  mailing lists, too!  My understanding is the MORE the MERRIER when it comes to crowd-funding. So, I truly appreciate if you could help me spread the word, spread the love, and spread the laughter.
Anime, the Manicurist

We also have a page on Facebook under – you guessed it - LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT! If you're stuck for something witty to post some night as you sit looking at your computer, you could suggest that all your Facebook Friends check out our page and LIKE us and then head over to Kickstarter to watch the video. That kind of chatter is what will help us more than anything! Think of it as shampoo: the more water you add, the more bubbles you get. The more bubbles you get, the bigger and soapier your head gets, and then you get tears in your eyes... Well, okay, maybe that's not the best analogy. I lost my head there for a moment. (Head. Ha! Get it? Shampoo? Lather, Rinse, Repeat? Okay...Sorry. This has all just gone to my head. Doh! Did it again.)

I am truly thankful to you for helping spread the word. And, just in case you haven't been paying attention until now: – LATHER, RINSE, REPEAT! We are live the month of April.  

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